ECO & Smart Projects

ECO & Smart Projects

As a part of the neighbourhoods and communities we serve, everything we do at EM Services is focused around making our environments better places for people to live, work, learn and play in.

With the development of new technological innovations, we consistently explore sustainable improvements to our environment and continuously work towards a green initiative.

Through our Eco & Smart Projects, we can sustain complex living communities with heart and soul, together. We consistently strive to reduce the strain on local resources and further enhance the quality of our environment and energy efficiency to provide a better environment and community for all.

LED Lighting Projects

Since 2006, we had embarked on the journey to replace the conventional lights at the common areas of HDB Residential Blocks and Multi-Storey Carpark with LED lights to save electrical energy for clients. Subsequently, dimming devices and sensors were introduced to further save energy during off-peak hours.

In Year 2018, EM Services was awarded by the Singapore Green Building Council the highest service classification of Singapore, the Green Building Services Certificate, for the Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) for Lighting Retrofit.

Through lighting retrofit services, existing facilities enjoy benefits of being energy efficient with modern lighting luminaires and sensors, offering short to long term savings on energy costs and at the same time, providing a surrounding that is much more environmentally-friendly.

Smart Lighting System (SLS)

In line with the Government’s initiative of making Singapore a smart city, we embarked on extensive collaboration with technology companies to introduce SLSs for public housing estates.

Key features of this new system are:

  1. Remote control to vary the power rating during peak and off-peak hours for each LED luminaire to suit the pattern of usage at various Block. This results in significant electricity savings as compared to the current variable power rating set by electronic timers.
  2. Dimming device to power up and down in response to human traffic.
  3. Any failed light will be detected instantly and tradesmen can be activated to promptly make good at site. This reduces the need for manual checking of failed lights within the estates and allows us to save on the manpower cost of physical inspections.
  4. Detection of maintenance personnel as they conduct checks in common areas.
  5. Big data system to sort, analyse and diagnose data collected, statistics of power consumption and savings, as well as projections for periodic and preventive maintenance programmes.